Enhance the Admin portal to allow users to fully complete forms attached to jobs, ensuring that all associated processes, such as triggering automated reminders and logging attached forms as complete, are executed. This feature addresses the current limitation where forms can be marked as complete in the Admin portal, but the associated processes are not triggered.
User's Original Request: "I would really like to be able to complete forms from the Admin login. Currently, you can only truly complete forms from the mobile login. When you complete a form in any manner from the admin login, either through Scheduler or main contact profile, although you are changing the job status to Complete, you are not actually triggering any automated reminders or logging any attached forms as complete."
Developer's Insight: The user's feedback highlights a gap in the current functionality of the Admin portal. While the portal allows for the marking of forms as complete, it doesn't execute the associated processes, leading to potential issues like missed reminders. Addressing this would ensure a consistent experience across both mobile and web platforms.
Proposed Solution:
Full Form Completion: Enable the Admin portal to fully complete forms attached to jobs, ensuring that all associated processes are executed.
Trigger Automated Processes: Ensure that when a form is marked as complete in the Admin portal, all associated automated reminders are triggered, and attached forms are logged as complete.
Consistent Experience: Ensure that the process of completing forms is consistent across both the mobile app and the Admin portal, preventing any discrepancies in form status and associated processes.
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In Progress
💡 Feature Request
Over 1 year ago
Grant McKenzie
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In Progress
💡 Feature Request
Over 1 year ago
Grant McKenzie
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